Guide for Authors

Guide to compiling and accepting conditions of the article

A) The approach of the journal: The general approach of the journal is to publish research articles in the following topics and areas:
War in the history of pre-Islamic Iran;
War in the history of Islam;
War in the history of Iran during the Islamic period;
War in world history;
Theories related to war and effective factors in historical studies of war;

B) Conditions for acceptance and publication of the article:
- The journal welcomes authoritative research articles that contain new and non-adapted scientific content and points, and is excused from publishing articles based on collection or translation. Only articles published in this journal that have not been published or published in domestic and foreign journals are published.
- The copyright of the article, after its acceptance, is reserved for the publication and the author of the article is not allowed to publish it elsewhere.
Publishing submitted works does not necessarily mean agreeing with the authors and the magazine is not responsible in this regard.
The journal is free to accept, reject, modify, and edit received articles.
Double blind peer review is used in judging submitted articles. In this method, the refereeing of the article is left to two referees who are familiar with the subject of the article and specialize in it, but the author's name for the referees and also the name of the referees for the author are not known.

- Articles are received only through the electronic system of the publication at the address (

- The article should include the following sections:

(Title, authors name, abstract, keywords, original text, conclusion, attachments (if required), list of references)

The abstract should be set at a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 words.
Abstract includes the main research problem, questions, claim or hypothesis, research method and achievements.
Keywords should be at least 4 and at most 6 words.
Introduction should include topic statement, problem solving, question or questions, hypothesis or hypotheses, method, theoretical framework (if needed), definition of concepts, research background and research innovation.
The main text includes the discussion of the hypothesis (s) of the research and the presentation of appropriate analyzes with the subject.
Dear author / authors, send the article along with the following details:

Name and surname of the author / authors in Persian and English;
Education level, academic rank, department, name of faculty, university, and city of the university Author / authors in Persian and English;
Introducing the responsible author in case of multiple authors;
Insert e-mail address of the author / authors;
Address, postcode, mobile phone number, home, workplace, and fax of the responsible author;
- The initial acceptance of the article is subject to the observance of the points of the "Guide for compiling and accepting and publishing the article" and the final acceptance and publication is subject to the approval of the article judges and the editorial board of the journal. In any case, the result will be announced to the author.

C) Technical model of arranging articles
- The pages of the article should be at least 15 and at most 25 A4 pages and should not exceed 8000 words in total.

- To adjust the page margins, go to the following path in word software and enter the mentioned values.

Layout- Margins-custom Margins- Top: 6cm - Bottom 5.5 cm - Left 4.5 cm - Right 4.5 cm

- The space between the lines in the whole text must be single.

Articles should include introduction, main topics, conclusions and list of sources.
- Title, abstract (maximum 150 words) and keywords (maximum 7 words), in both Persian and English are required for all articles.
Latin equivalents of specific names, terms, and specialized words should be included in the text and in parentheses.
- The original text of the article should be written in Beotus 13 (B Louts) font in Word 2007 program and sent along with the PDF file.
The title of the article should be written with font 14 (Bold B Mitra).
- Abstract text and keywords should be written in font 12.
- The main titles in the text should be written with font 13 (Bold B Mitra).
- Subheadings should be written in the text with font 13 (Bold B Louts).

List of sources should be written in bold (Bold B Louts).

D) The method of citation

- Article citations should be in the text and in the following way:
To cite references, immediately after direct quotation (in quotation marks), the surname of the author of the book or article, year of publication, cover number, and page of the source should be enclosed in parentheses. Example: (True, 1987: 1/210).
To cite references, immediately after the indirect citation, the surname of the author of the book or article, the year of publication and the cover number, and the page of the source should be enclosed in parentheses. Example: (True, 1987: 1/21 - 25).
In-text references of non-Persian texts should be given in the previous way and in the original language. Example:
(115 Nelson, 2003 :).
- If more than one work has been published by an author in a year, by placing the letters A, B, C, D, etc., in Persian and the letters b, a, etc., in non-Persian languages, After the year of publication, the works should be distinguished from each other.
In-text references to a culture or encyclopedia whose articles have an independent author, the name of the author of the article, year of publication, volume number, and page of the source. Example: (Anwari, 1373: 6 / below "Abu Mohammad Saleh").
In-text references to a culture or encyclopedia whose articles do not have an independent author, the name of the dictionary / encyclopedia, year of publication, volume number, and the name of the entry (in quotation marks). Example: (Encyclopedia, Persian 1380: The following "Ibn Sina").
In in-text references, duplicate references should not be given as before and the word "same" (in Latin sources: ibid) should be used instead.
In the sources at the end of the article, complete duplicate references should be given and the line should not be drawn instead of the author's name.
Sources: At the end of the article, first Persian sources and then Latin sources, based on the author's family name, should be listed in alphabetical order